About Glide SA
Alexandra Grieve
Every parent wants the best for their children.
It is said that the best way for children to learn is within a safe environment and learning through guided play.
This is how children develop the skills that give them the courage to dive into new experiences. The fact is, your child’s potential is present and all you need to do is add water. Glide Swim School was created from a child’s dream, which became a reality: the dream was to give children the platform to build essential life skills that will help them make waves in life. We have created a safe place where children are able to overcome their fears, respect the water and have fun. It’s about growth and about showing children that they are something and have the ability to push themselves. As parents we know there is no greater feeling than pride, so to see that little happy face once they achieve the smallest goal: we know that they feel it too. Here, we feel all the emotions with our swimmers and we are proud of their achievements. We all learn at different paces, and patience is our best trait. We progress with the children when we know they are ready and when they are not ready, we allow them to take their time to trust us. After all, the world is mostly made of water. We may as well dive in!
We Promise You
Safe Learning Space
Loads of Fun
Essential Life Skills
Elke ouer wil die beste vir hul kinders hê.
Daar word gesê dat die beste manier vir kinders is om te leer binne 'n veilige omgewing en leer deur begeleide spel.
Dit is hoe kinders die vaardighede ontwikkel wat hulle die moed gee om na nuwe ervarings te duik. Die feit is, dat u kind se potensiaal aanwesig is en al wat u moet doen is om water by te voeg. ‘Glide Swim School’ is geskep uit die droom van 'n kind, wat 'n werklikheid geword het: die droom was om kinders die platform te gee om noodsaaklike lewensvaardighede op te bou wat hulle kan help om golwe in die lewe te maak. Ons het 'n veilige plek geskep waar kinders hul vrese kan oorkom, die water respekteer en pret kan hê. Dit gaan oor groei en om kinders te wys dat hulle iets besonders is en die vermoë het om hulself te druk. As ouers weet ons dat daar geen groter gevoel as trots is nie, so om die klein gelukkige gesiggie te sien as hulle die kleinste doel bereik: ons weet dat hulle dit ook voel. Hier voel ons al die emosies saam met ons swemmers en ons is trots op hul prestasies. Ons leer almal op verskillende vlakke, en geduld is ons beste eienskap. Ons vorder voort saam met die kinders as ons weet dat hulle gereed is en wanneer hulle nie gereed is nie, laat ons hulle die tyd neem om ons te vertrou. Die wêreld is immers meestal van water gemaak. Ons kan net so lekker induik!
Alexandra Grieve
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Book Your Spot in the Pool!
Our Pricing
We have a wide range of classes available. Are you learning to swim or would you like to step up your fitness game? See which slot suits you or your little one best.
Individual Lessons
Learn to Swim (LTS)
1 x 15min per week = R460 per month
2 x 15min per week = R920 per month
1 x 30min per week = R920 per month
Group Lessons
Squad, Moms & Tots, Aqua Aerobics & Fitness
1 x 20/30min squad per week = R460 per month
1 x 30min Moms and Tots per week = R460 per month
1 x 30min Aqua aerobics = R60
1 x 30min adult fitness sharing = R155
NOTE: Only once payment is received will your spot be booked:)